Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Great Weekend

Ah, just finished a nice, long, holiday weekend. Paid holidays are pretty scarce, however, Presidents' Day IS one of them. Some great friends DROVE up from California on Thursday..so very nice to have them visiting. Road trips can be so much fun, though flying does seem like an inexpensive and quick way to travel these days. But if you have the time, why not road trip??

We were reminded all weekend just how great a group of friends we had while living in Hawaii...and now we have all gone our separate ways. If we get together with a couple of them a few times a year we call ourselves lucky. I suppose it is all perspective...we all knew living in the islands was temporary and we certainly tried to make the best of it while we were there, meeting fabulous people along the way. And now, we have all these wonderful friends living everywhere across the country. Thank goodness for friends, where ever they may be.


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